
Download the report that reveals all the information behind the success of the ANOVApot®.  Latest report on the ANOVApot

ANOVApot® wins another award!

Award Winner The Smart Approved WaterMark Product of the Year Award for 2010 has been awarded to the ANOVApot, which through its unique design reduces root escape and saves water.

The Chair of Smart WaterMark’s Independent Expert Panel, Mr Jeremy Cape said the ANOVApot had scored highly on all criteria for selection for the award – innovation, marketability, sustainability and good design.

“The ANOVApot is a very smart design that the Panel felt had been recognised in the commercial nursery industry. Its clever design saves water as well as preventing waste of fertiliser and run-off from pots, which is a very common problem.”

The inventor of the ANOVApot, Dr Mal Hunter said, “Since its launch in 2005 some 6.6 million pots have been purchased by the Australian nursery industry, which has recognised its benefits of root and water control. Its integral role of major water savings in the recently developed Twinpot Water Management System is particularly exciting.”

Here is a news release from Smart WaterMark announcing the win.

Click here for information on Smart Approved WaterMark

What's better than an ANOVApot?

When two ANOVApots are configured in the Twinpot Water Management System, that's what!

You'll find your plants develop faster with healthier root systems; there's less moisture stress and significantly less root escape and plant shock.

It's more economical too, with less water usage and because of minimal leaching you could find savings of 30% in fertilizer costs.

Check out these information links...

Twinpot Water Management System Presentation material

Twinpot Water Management System Economic Overviewnew

Twinpot Water Management System Video Presentation


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